Your brand protection starts now.

Imagine how great it will be to just keep focusing on growing your brand without having to worry about who’s out to get you, copy you or rain on your brand’s parade? Too often we put our trademark last. We focus on the business, sales and marketing, often neglecting our brand’s legal needs. Here’s a chance to take just 14 days to do something wonderful for your brand that will benefit you for years to come. And bonus: you’ll be saving a lot of money in the process!

Why spend so much when you can learn this yourself for a fraction of the cost?

Sign up today and I’ll show you that there is a breathe-easy life after getting your trademark properly filed. I’ve synthesized everything I’ve learned over the past decades into brief, potent and engaging videos that you can watch one at a time or all in one sitting, along with worksheets, checklists and more. I’ve crafted this program so that it’s flexible enough to fit into any lifestyle and commitment level, and I value your time, so you’ll be able to learn all of this in as little as 10 minutes each day.

  • Week One

    Trademark 101, Trademark Basics Part 1 & 2, What Makes You Special?, How to perform a basic knockout search, Benefits of getting help and Trademark Application Types.

  • Week Two

    Trademark Use & Fees, Step-by-Step Registration, Office Action Breakdown, Monitoring and Maintenance, Parting Words

  • Bonus Material

    How to Leverage Your Trademark + How to Avoid Third Party Solicitation Scams

This course is easily giving you $7,500+ in value.

First of all, I’m saving you from going to law school and getting your JD degree. Again, you’re just getting exactly what you need to learn how to do trademarks for yourself – period. No more, no less. Secondly, I’m sparing you the HEARTACHE of doing this wrong the first time. I can’t tell you how many horror stories I’ve heard from people who went to Legal Zoom, really cheap lawyers and various other methods to try to cut corners. You can learn this!! And you can do it in small, bite-sized chunks. I’m taking all of my 15+ years of business knowledge of doing this RIGHT for people just like you and boiling it down into 14 easy days of 10 minute videos. You’re welcome.

Pricing options

Explain how different pricing options might be valuable to different segments of your audience.

Don't just take my word for it.

Bobby takes his time with you!

by Connie Hall

One word to describe Bobby, passionate! He took the time to educate me on trademarks, answered any questions I had and set the expectation for the entire process.

Highly recommended!

by Dr. Martez Prince

Bobby is extremely knowledgeable about the trademark process and was very helpful in guiding me through the process for two brands. Highly recommended!!

Expert professionalism

by Tarra Jackson

I met Bobby Robinson several years ago at an event and I instantly knew I was going to work with him. He not only helped me to Trademark 2 major brands, but he is one of my key advisors for my business. His expertise, knowledge, professionalism, and compassion is why I continue to retain his services and refer everyone I know to him.


  • Who is this course for?

    Those who are selling a product or service. Entrepreneurs, small business owners, personal branders.

  • Do I need a trademark?

    If you are selling a product or service and you have competitors, then you need a trademark to prevent someone from stealing your brand or you may find yourself receiving a cease and desist letter because you may be infringing on someone else's brand.

  • What's included in the course?

    You’ll receive access to 6 self-paced modules and we’ll cover everything you need to file your own trademark from start to finish. You’ll also receive worksheets to take notes. And, I’ll also provide you with a copy of the DIY Trademark Roadmap, as a quick reference guide.

  • How long will I have access to the course?

    So long as you’ve fully satisfied your payment obligations, you’ll have access to the course for 12 months.

  • If I take this course, is it guaranteed that my trademark will be approved?

    No. There are no guarantees that your trademark will be accepted by the USPTO’s office but we’ll walk you through the registration process I follow for my clients. However, the final decision on whether your trademark will be registered is up to the USPTO’s office.

  • Are the trademark filing fees included in the course?

    No. The fee for this course is to cover the content and my expertise as an experienced trademark attorney. When you go to file your trademark, you’ll have to pay the filing fees to the USPTO’s office for each classification and we’ll cover this in the course.

  • What if I want to hire you to file my trademark?

    If after going through the course, you’d like to hire Bobby’s firm to file your trademark, please visit and book a consultation. Please mention that you’ve completed the DIY Trademark Course and we’ll waive the trademark consultation fee.